Education/Professional Development

Dollars & Sense Open House

Red dots on a black background seen from far away on the left and close on the right.

OMIC is excited to introduce Dollars and Sense, a series of monthly grant writing workshop sessions and one-on-one clinics for Ottawa-based artists and art professionals. Presented in partnership with The Framework and Digital Arts Resource Centre (DARC), with support from the City of Ottawa and Ontario Creates, Dollars & Sense focuses on providing assistance and insights into grant application best practices. This initiative aims to equip participants with public funding knowledge to advance their careers and contribute to the sustainability of Ottawa's music industry. 

Join us on January 24th at Arts Court (2 Daly Avenue, Ottawa ON) - DARC Loop (Arts Court 1st floor) from 5:30pm-7:00pm for an open house program information session, facility tours, partner presentations and a roundtable discussion. The open house is free and open to all, and future access to monthly Dollars & Sense workshops is available exclusively to OMIC and DARC members. 

To become an OMIC member, sign up here.

For questions regarding OMIC membership registration, please contact our Senior Program Coordinator, Karim Rostom, at Membership subsidizations are available upon request, no questions asked.