A collaboration between the Sparks Street BIA and the Ottawa Music Industry Coalition (OMIC) is bringing local music to The Shed on Sparks St all summer long! The lunchtime concert series, Songs from the Shed, will take place every Tuesday and Thursday from 12pm-1:30pm. Music lovers from the Ottawa region are invited to come enjoy lunch outdoors with a variety of captivating singer-songwriters in solo or duo formations. The project will be run by Ottawa’s own Jessy Lindsay, bilingual singer-songwriter and program coordinator.
Date: Tuesday September 3rd 2024
Venue: The Shed on Sparks Street, Ottawa (between Bank St & O’Connor St near 190 Sparks St)
Time: 12pm-1:30pm
Price: FREE (no ticket required)
12pm - Whitney
Whitney Mambou is an emerging multidisciplinary artist, providing vocals, production, direction, and editing to her own auditory and visual creations. Currently interested in musical covers, Whitney combines hushed vocals with eclectic soundscapes to blur genre lines while reinterpreting previously released musical works.
12:55pm - Samar
Samar is a Sudanese-Canadian singer-songwriter. With a voice exuding a warm, rich, unique tone, Samar has entertained audiences in many venues including performing in competitions, and performing for organizations to raise awareness about the empowerment of Black women. Samar is excited to connect with audiences at OMIC’s “Songs-of-the-Shed” series.
Thank you for supporting the Ottawa Music Industry Coalition