Become a Member

Select your membership type to join OMIC. Welcome!

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About OMIC Music Industry Memberships

OMIC Music Industry Memberships are open to individuals, bands, groups and organization working in the sector. Choose this option if you’re an artist, music worker, a music entrepreneur or business, collective, or non-profit in Ottawa or the surrounding regions (within 150km). Please note: We want you to be an OMIC member regardless of your financial situation. If membership fees are ever a barrier for you, please reach out to our staff. To learn more about OMIC memberships, please see our Membership Deck. 

Music Industry Memberships - Annual Fees 

  • $50 | Individual ($25 for students)
  • $75 | Band
  • Pay-What-You-Can | Fan 
  • $100 | Small Business or Organization (annual income/operational budget below $150,000):
  • $150 | Medium Business / Organization (annual income/operational budget $150,000 - $500,000)
  • $300 | Large Business/ Organization (annual income/operational budget above $500,000)

Corporate Memberships - Annual Fees 

Corporate Memberships are ways for businesses to connect with the music industry, embed music into your company and support creativity within your brand’s culture. Please see our Sponsorships & Partnerships Package to discover how your organization can become a music industry ally! 

  • $1,000 | Champion 
  • $3,000 | Amplifier 
  • $5,000 | Rockstar 

Band or Group

Business or Organization

Corporate | Corporatif Â